National News

Shabbir Shah shifted to Tihar jail’s high risk ward

Shabbir Shah shifted to Tihar jail’s high risk ward

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):The family of illegally detained senior leader of All Parties Hurriyat Conference, Shabbir Ahmad Shah, has expressed serious concern over the move of the authorities of Delhi’s Tihar jail of shifting him to high risk ward of the prison.
According to Kashmir Media Service, Shabbir Shah’s wife, Dr Bilquees speaking to a Srinagar-based English daily over phone from New Delhi, said, “I met Shabbir Shah in the jail where his condition is very disturbing.”
Shabbir Shah’s counsel, Sarwar Khan, said the resistance leader has been shifted from a normal ward (7) to a high-risk ward (1). “He has been completely denied medicine for last one week,” Khan added. The APHC leader is suffering from various ailments.
Shabbir Ahmad Shah, who also heads Democratic Freedom Party, has been detained in Tihar jail in a decade-old fake case of money laundering. He was arrested on July 25, 2017 from Srinagar and was airlifted to New Delhi. Later, a Delhi-court sent him to judicial custody in Tihar jail where he has been languishing for past several months.
The 62-year-old resistance leader is suffering from hypertension, diabetes, chest pain, BHP, cervical spondylosis, lumber spondylosis, osteoarthritis in both legs, attacks of sudden loss of consciousness, for which he has been taking medicine for the past six years, Dr Bilquees said.
“Shabbir Shah underwent HUTT (Head Up Tilt Test) at GB Pant Hospital results of which have come positive,” his wife said. She said that Shabbir Shah was then advised HOLTER Test at Delhi’s Safdarjang Hospital but the machine was not functioning so he has been asked to come for the test on 5th January 2018.
“It is an emergency case and he needs a pacemaker at the earliest,” she said. “More so, he has been given no medicine at all for past one week after he was shifted from jail 7 to jail 1,” she said, adding that his husband has been kept in solitary confinement.