National News

Shaista expresses concern over Kasur incident

Shaista expresses

Shaista expresses concern over Kasur incident

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Secretary Women’s Parliamentary Caucus MNA Shaista Pervaiz Malik on Friday expressed deep
concern and anguish over the kidnapping and murder incident in Kasur.
In a statement, she called for exemplary punishment for the culprits and said that stringent
measures would be required after undertaking situational analysis.
“On behalf of the Women’s Parliamentary Caucus, I will shortly convene a consultation of
key stakeholders including representatives from law enforcement and district administration,
civil society, academia and the media in order to find a resolve to this growing frustration and
sickness of minds in the society, “ she added.     
 She said there would no more be any tolerance for such incidents and stressed for
putting an end this evil to at social and legal fronts.
She said that everyone will have to assume his responsibility for eliminating such evils from