National News

Sit-in group, corrupt former rulers two sides of same coin: Shehbaz

LAHORE, July 21 (APP): Punjab Chief Minister Shehbaz Sharif on
Friday said unprecedented development programmes of Pakistan Muslim League-N government had unnerved the opponents.
“Despite repeated obstacles of the political opponents, Pakistan is
moving towards overcoming the energy crisis and the journey from darkness to lights is being completed speedily,” he added.
He stated this in a statement issued here. The chief minister
said elements leveling allegations at the sincere leadership, which had eliminated darkness irretrievably, were not well-wishers of the country.
People who were unaware of the politics of public-service were
conspiring to spread anarchy in the country and unluckily, these defeated elements were trying to chop down the tree-branch, they were sitting in.
These elements had left no stone unturned to politically destabilize the
country and their politics which was based on deceit, allegations and accusations had tremendously damaged the country.
“This is the reason that conscious people of Pakistan are sick of
spectacles of sit-in party and corrupted former rulers. The days of negative politics of the elements relying on artificial support of falsehood are numbered,” shehbaz said.
He said, the people had given an opportunity to the PML-N leadership to
serve the country. The people had fully understood that who was making sincere efforts to bring the country out of crises and who was conspiring against them. He said PML-N achieved success in the court of public in the past and would also succeed in future as well.
People would not be entrapped by the elements indulged in the
politics of trickery.
The chief minister said sit-in group and corrupted former rulers were
two sides of the same coin and grouping of their opponents was a conspiracy against development and prosperity of the people. He said political stability was essential for economic development and the elements incurring damage of billions of dollars to the national economy through sit-ins were enemies of the people and now these elements were hatching new conspiracies as they were unnerved due to speedy developments in Pakistan.
The looters of national wealth and sit-in group had created heap of lies
and they had not even the remotest connection with political concepts of tolerance, ethics and honesty, he added.
For the sake of their country, these political jugglers should stop
playing with the bright future of the nation.
Shehbaz Sharif said those who had paid no attention to overcoming the
energy crisis in their tenure were afraid that their remnant-politics would come to an end due to overcoming of load-shedding problem.
Due to the corruption of former rulers, he said, Pakistan’s
international image was badly damaged.
He said, new example of transparency was set in development projects and
four years of the incumbent government was the most transparent period in the history of the country.
No allegation of corruption of even a single penny was leveled in any of
our projects. The elements involved in the politics of deceit should review their deeds first. He said, during the elections of 2018, people would reject the negative politics of opponents of public welfare and conspirators of sabotaging the development process and they would bury the politics of elements playing with the destiny of the nation once and for all, concluded the chief minister.