National News

Sofi Akbar remembered on his death anniversary in IOK

Sofi Akbar remembered on his death anniversary in IOK

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Hurriyat leaders and organizations in Indian Occupied Kashmir have paid glowing tributes to noted liberation leader, Sofi Muhammad Akbar, on his death anniversary.
According to KMS, Hurriyat leaders and activists including Muhammad Azam Inqilabi, Muhammad Musadiq Aadil, Ghulam Nabi Zaki, Bashir Ahmed Butt, Abdul Rasheed Mughlu, Muhammad Siddique Shah, Shahid Kashmiri and Altaf Andrabi paid rich tributes to the Sofi Akbar.
Sofi Muhammad Akbar founded the Jammu and Kashmir Mahaz-e-Azadi on May 7, 1977. He spent several years in different jails and passed away on December 14, 1987.
A condolence meeting was organized in Sopore to remember Sofi Muhammad Akbar and pay tributes to him. The meeting was attended by Hurriyat leaders and activists including Muhammad Iqbal Mir, Qutub Aalam, Muhammad Ahsan Untoo, Advocate Bashir Ahmed, Manzoor Ahmad Butt, Muhammad Akbar Ganai and Ghulam Qadir Rah.
The speakers, while remembering Sofi Akbar said that he was a man of principles and a born freedom-fighter who never compromised on his mission. He stood against Sheikh Muhammad Abdullah when he signed the notorious 1975 Sheikh-Indira Accord which was the worst kind of political deceit. The speakers said that the Kashmiri people should follow the path of Sofi Muhammad Akbar.
Meanwhile, illegally detained Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front, Muhammad Yasin Malik, in a statement in Srinagar paid rich tributes to Sofi Muhammad Akbar on his death anniversary and described him a great patriot and selfless leader.
“Sofi Akbar, instead of power and authority chose the path of thorns and till his last breath remained committed to the freedom movement,” he added.