National News

Speakers for adopting sustainable watershed management practices

پیپلزپارٹی نے تحریک

Speakers for adopting sustainable watershed management practices

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Speakers at a workshop here on Thursday stressed the need for adopting sustainable watershed management practices by enhancing the capacities of the professionals in South Asian region as according to the climate change scenario to develop and maintain food safety and security as well as alleviating of poverty from the region.
They urged for effective skill development on improved watershed management practices by creating linkages among the regional countries to avoid the adverse climate effects on human and agriculture sectors of the South Asian Region.
The workshop on “Improving Skills on Sustainable Watershed Management practices in South Asia”, was organized by Pakistan Agriculture Research Council with an aim to enhance watershed synergies and share the experiences of Pakistan, Nepal and Sri Lanka.
Federal Secretary Ministry of National Food Security and Research Fazal Abbas Maken while addressing the inaugural session said that government was taking appropriate measures for the development of agriculture sector and launched Prime Minister Greening and Zero Hunger Programme for ensuring food safety and security in the country.
In this regard he said that efforts of PARC scientists are admirable for conceiving and securing international funding, these initiatives will lead to reduce poverty and enhance food security in the country, he added.
He said that the Inception cum training workshop was also aiming at capacity building of professionals on improved site specific technologies for promoting sustainable watersheds according to climate change scenarios of Pakistan, Nepal and Sri. Lanka.
Fazal Maken, welcomed participants specially from Nepal and Sri Lanka and said that training Workshop on improving skills for promoting sustainable watershed management practices in South Asia will be a source of effective skill development on improved watershed management practices, strengthening regional linkages, especially with Nepal and Sri Lanka.
He said that the project was focused on sustainable watershed management practices which will ultimately increase the farming community resilience to climate change through stimulated adoption of improved practices.
He also appreciated the international participants from Nepal and Sri Lanka for their interest in sustainable watershed management interventions and grateful to Asia Pacific Network (APN), Japan for providing financial resources for the important project.
Speaking on the occasion Chairman PARC Dr Yusuf Zafar said that Pakistan was becoming a water scarce country due to many reasons such as climate change induced risks, improper water management at all levels, rapid population growth rate and urbanization.
He said that water was not only required for agriculture but also for domestic, industrial and even for ecological environment, adding that addressing real challenges for our water resources was important for assuring sustainable growth in economy.
PARC being an apex agricultural research and development body fully realizes the significance of technological advancements in in water sector for improved land and water productivity as well as human resource development for effective utilization of such technologies, he remarked.
He further said that PARC has envisaged both technological demonstrations to improve overall water productivity, watershed sustainability and more importantly on human resource development aspect to make efficient use of advanced water-smart technologies.
The project is another example of our continued efforts for improving skills on sustainable watershed management practices in South Asia, he added and thanked collaborators from Nepal and Sri Lanka including Asia Pacific Network (APN) for providing financial resources for conducting training program.