National News

Special Court asks govt to explain removal of Musharraf’s name from ECL

ISLAMABAD, Mar 31 (APP): The Special Court hearing the high
treason trial against former president Gen (retd) Pervez Musharraf
Thursday asked the government to explain the removal of his
(Musharraf’s) name from the Exit Control List (ECL).
The court directed the Secretary Interior to submit a written
reply in this regard on next date of hearing.
The three-member special court headed by Justice Mazhar
Alam Mian Khel and comprising Justice Tahira Safdar and Justice
Yawar Ali heard the treason case filed by the Federal Government
against the former president for subverting and abrogating
the Constitution by proclamation of emergency in the country on
November 03, 2007.
During the proceedings, the court asked Prosecutor Akram
Sheikh as to why Musharraf’s name was removed from the ECL and
why he was allowed to leave abroad.
Akram Sheikh told the court that Musharraf’s name was removed
from the ECL on the directive of Supreme Court. He said the
prosecution had completed its work in the case. The court could
issue red warrants for the accused and the government would implement
the same, he added.
The court also issued notice to Major Gen. (retd) Rashid
Qureshi, guarantor of former president.
The case was adjourned till April 19.