National News

TAPI to bring peace dividends for entire region: PM

TAPI to bring peace dividends for entire region: PM

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi Friday said the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline project would unite people, boost socio-economic development and bring in peace dividends to the entire region.

Addressing the ground breaking ceremony of the link-up projects of electricity transmission lines and fibre optics at Serhatabad, Turkmenistan, and broadcast live, the Prime Minister said the “project will have only the winners.”

Abbasi said he was grateful to the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow for turning into reality and particularly for recreating the historical linkages of this region.

He said the President of Turkmenistan owing to his vision has converted the TAPI project into an energy and communications corridor, that would have IT connectivity, besides road and rail links.

The Prime Minister said the project would help meet 10 percent of Pakistan’s energy needs, 20 percent of its natural gas requirements and would be equivalent to its nine million tonnes of imports. He said TAPI would provide Pakistan the much needed gas security.

He said he does not see just one gas line, but several gas pipelines to overcome energy shortages.

He said the China Pakistan Economic Corridor was the most efficient connectivity link for the Central Asian States and it’s linkage with the One Belt One Road would open a new world of opportunities.

He said Pakistan has already added 10,000 MWs of electricity in the past four years and said by end of 2019 would offer over 2500 kms of six-lane Motorways for concomitant the region.
He said Pakistan provides rich incentives and lucrative returns for foreign investors and the government has addressed the challenges to provide the requisite peace, security and stability.

The Prime Minister also congratulated the Asian Development Bank for its role in making the project a reality. He assured the leaders of Turkmenistan, Afghanistan and India, Pakistan’s full cooperation in making TAPI a success.

The ground-breaking ceremonies was also attended by President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Malikgulyevich Berdimuhamedov, President of Afghanistan Ashraf Ghani and Minister of State for External Affairs of India, M.J Akbar.

The Prime Minister was accompanied by Minister of State for Energy Jam Kamal Khan.