National News

TAPI gas project to overcome energy shortage in country: Dr.Miraj

ISLAMABAD, (APP): An economic expert Dr.Miraj-ul-Haq Saturday
said that Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline project would be helpful to overcome energy shortage in the country.
Talking to a Private News channel he said that the agreement that was
signed recently in Turkey,Turkmenistan would invest 85 percent and rest of the three countries by 5 percent in the project.
The project would connect Central and South Asiawith each other.
Commenting over the significance of TAPI for Pakistan,he
added that work would be further expedited as an agreement inked
between the four countries in this regard, he added.
Replying to a question, he said that LNG project with Qatar would
provide gas to the energy sector to increase power producing capacity.
It was pertinent to mention here that TAPI project was inaugurated by
the leaders of all four counties including Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in last December.