National News

Thousands attend funeral of martyred youth in Pulwama

Thousands attend funeral of martyred youth in Pulwama

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):In Indian occupied Kashmir, defying restrictions, thousands of people attended the funeral prayers of a martyred youth, Mussavir Ahmed Wani, in Pulwama district, today.
Mussavir Ahmed Wani was killed by the Indian troops during a cordon and search operation in Kangan area of the district, yesterday.
The puppet authorities imposed restrictions in the entire district, today, and sealed all entry and exit points of Pulwama town to prevent people from staging demonstrations against the killing.
However, defying restrictions, thousands of people from adjoining villages and other far flung areas of the district marched to Mussavir Wani’s native Delipora village and participated in his funeral prayers. Eyewitnesses said that some mujahideen appeared during the funeral and offered gun salute to the martyred youth.
Forceful demonstrations erupted in the area following the funeral prayers of Mussavir Wani. The protesters raised high-pitched pro-freedom, pro-Pakistan and anti-India slogans.
Indian police and troops used brute force and fired teargas shells to disperse the protesters, triggering intense clashes between the demonstrators and the forces’ personnel.