National News

Trump’s decision on Jerusalem highly deplorable

Trump’s decision on Jerusalem highly deplorable
PESHAWAR, (MILLAT ONLINE):The politicians of different
political parties here Friday slammed the decision of US President Donald Trump
about recognizing the occupied city of Jerusalem as the so called capital of
Israel and demanded to revisit it as it has hurt sentiments of billions of Muslims
in the world.
Jamaat-e-Islami Vice Ameer KP,Noorul Haq told APP that US
President’s decision to recognize the occupied city of Al Quds Al Sharif/Jerusalem
as capital of Israel and shifting US embassy to it, was highly deplorable and
big blow to peace efforts in Middle East.
He said this wrong decision had attracted widespread criticism
from world besides hurting the sentiments of over 1.5 billion Mulsims in the
world, adding US President would be held responsible if law and order situation
was worsened in Middle East.
Haq said Jerusalem was an internationally accepted occupied
territory and recognizing it the capital of Israel would not only practically
bury the solution of two states in Middle East but would also detrimental to
peace efforts in the region.
“This decision was also not in the interest of US as it
would create distance and mistrust between Washington and Muslim countries,” he
He said Muslims across the world have special attachment
with Al Quds Al Sharif and would never accept it the capital of Israel.
“This decision was severe blow to the peace efforts between Palestine
and Israel and US policies was stand exposed.”
He said JI has planned protest demonstrations against this wrong
decision to express solidarity with people of Palestine.
Sardar Aurganzaib Nalota, PML-N leader in KP Assembly termed the
decision was a serious violation of international law and UN Charter.
He said this decision has not only hurt sentiments of Muslims
but was also widely criticized at international level.
ANP leader and former Provincial Minister Wajid Ali Khan also
condemned the decision and termed a serious setback to the rule of law and
international norms besides a severe blow to the Middle East peace process.
The decision has badly hurt the sentiments of muslims across
the world as they had special attachment with Al Quds Al Sharif and would never
accept Jerusalem as Capital of Israel , he explained.
“Time has come that Muslim Countries should adopt a single
stand on this issue from the platform of OIC and put extra pressure on US to
revisit this decision as quickly as possible otherwise, it made very negative
effects on the peace efforts in Middle East and global war against terrorism,”
he maintained. He said this decision has exposed US policy on Palestine-Israel
Faisal Karim Kundi, PPP leader and former deputy speaker
National Assembly also strongly condemned this decision of US President, saying
this decision would practically change the status of Jerusalem that was
unacceptable to Muslims.
This decision was serious violation of international law and
applicable UN Security Council resolutions, he said, adding if US
administration did not immediately revisit its policy on this key issue, not
only the global efforts against terrorism would be affected but would mar global
efforts for peace and security especially in the Middle East.
He said US was engaged in war against terrorism
and in case of non-cooperation by muslim
states it would be very difficult for Washington to get success in it.
Kundi said it was also in the interest of US to review this decision
and help settlement of the lingering issue of Palestine through peaceful means.