National News

Trumps remarks reflect frustration after US failure in Afghanistan: Mehmood Shah

Trumps remarks reflect frustration after US failure in Afghanistan: Mehmood Shah

PESHAWAR, (MILLAT ONLINE):Former Secretary Law and Security Fata and renowned defense analyst, Brigadier (R) Mehmood Shah said here Tuesday that the anti-Pakistan remarks of the US President showed his deep frustration and disappointment after complete failure of his country in Afghanistan.
While responding to anti-Pakistan remarks of US President Donald Trump in his yesterday tweet, Brigadier Mehmood Shah said US had lost war in Afghanistan and it cannot make Pakistan a scapegoat of its failure in Afghanistan.
The recent remarks of Donald Trump and US Vice President Mike Pence have showed that US wanted to put extra pressure on Pakistan to cover its failure in Afghanistan despite 16 years long stay in the war torn country where peace was yet to be established, he remarked.

Strongly deploring Trump’s remarks, Brig Shah said Pakistan had suffered more sacrifices than any other country in war against terrorism as over 70,000 Pakistanis including military personnel had lost their lives besides economic loss worth billions of dollars that was needed to be recognized and acknowledged by world powers including US.

He said if Pakistan’s assistance was stopped than it may have negative effects on war against terrorism and the whole responsibilities would be on US if Taliban, Al-Qaeda and Daesh elements regroup in the region.

Shah said Afghanistan’s conflict cannot be addressed through military power rather peaceful settlement process owned and led by Afghans was its only solution to bring durable peace to the war torn country.

“If more than 150,000 foreign troops with latest war planes, jets, machines and weapons cannot restore peace in Afghanistan than how about 4000 more US troops will establish peace there,” he questioned.

Pakistan had extended unprecedented cooperation to US for defeating Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan besides fighting war against terrorism and time has come that US leadership should acknowledge it, he maintained.

He said Pakistan had also suffered immensely after terrorists from the soil of Afghanistan had targeted our armed forces and civilians and it was the responsibility of Afghanistan Govt and US to take decisive action against terrorists in Afghanistan. “ Afghanistan’s war could not be dragged and fought on Pakistan’s soil,” he made it clear.

The politics of blame games and accusations would create doubts and distrust among allied countries and rather efforts should be made to bolster intelligence sharing, security and respecting each others’ sacrifices to win war in Afghanistan.

“Anti Pakistan elements did not want success of CPEC because of its enormous socio-economic, energy, transport and security benefits for the country, he said, adding CPEC would also help make Pakistan borders safe and secure.

He expressed the hope that the US President would review his policy and would sought peaceful solution to the conflict in Afghanistan imperative for progress and prosperity of the region.