National News

US defence secretary visit aimed to find ‘common ground’: FO

US defence secretary visit aimed to find ‘common ground’: FO

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):US Defence Secretary, General James Mattis’ recent visit to Pakistan was aimed at finding the “common ground” to create a positive and long-term mutual relationship, Foreign Office Spokesperson said here Thursday.
During weekly news conference, Dr Muhammad Faisal said that USA was well aware of the sacrifices rendered by the Pakistanis in fight against terrorism and extremism and appreciates Pakistan’s Armed Forces for their professional abilities.
During his stay here, Gen James Mattis called on the Prime Minister and the Chief of Army Staff . “Main purpose of the visit was to find ‘common ground’ in order to create a consistent and long-term relationship with Pakistan”, he said.
Responding to a query he referring to the statement of CIA director, Spokesperson termed the comments ‘unwarranted’ and added that mutual intelligence-based operations will continue.
To a question about CPEC, he said that inclusion of any other country in CPEC will be based on mutual discussion and willingness by both China and Pakistan.
“China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is bilateral project and potential participation of any other country in the project will enhance the links between regional countries”.
Dr Faisal said that Pakistan has noted with grave concern the move by the United States to shift its Embassy to the occupied City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, thereby altering the legal and historical status of the city.
“Such a step constitutes a clear violation of the international law and UN Security Council Resolutions, particularly UNSCR 478 of 1980, also it would sidestep decades of global consensus on this issue”.
He reaffirmed that Pakistan’s call for establishment of a viable, independent and contiguous State of Palestine, on the basis of internationally agreed parameters, the pre-1967 borders, and with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital stands still. However he said that Pakistan will follow the OIC’s policy regarding the matter in future as well.
He said that Indian attempts to convince the international community of its version of counter terrorism have failed miserably, India faces isolation on the Kashmir issue internationally.
  “Unanimous passing of a Pakistan-sponsored resolution by the committee of the UN General Assembly about the right to self-determination for peoples subject to foreign occupation is a testimony to the fact that on the issue of Jammu and Kashmir, India stands isolated”, he added.
The spokespersons said that Pakistan has informed India about its readiness for visit of Indian spy Kulbhushan Jadhav`s mother and wife to meet him. He said a diplomat from India High Commission in Islamabad will be present in the meeting to be held here later this month.
He strongly condemned Indian occupation forces’ violent operation in Kulgam district of Indian occupied Jammu & Kashmir that blasted a residential compound resulting in Shahadat of three youth, including Shaheed Yawar Bashir. Thousands of Kashmiris participated in the funeral of Shaheed Yawar Bashir, chanting pro-Pakistan slogans.
  He informed that the Indian occupation forces during more than 1300 armed violations, illegal operations and fake encounters martyred another eight (8) Kashmiri youth in Budgam, Kulgam and Sopore areas.
  He informed that Pakistan has recently been elected to the main policy making organs of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) during the 17th Session of the General Conference held in Vienna. “Pakistan’s election to the UNIDO policy making organs is a further demonstration of the international community’s confidence in Pakistan’s credentials at multilateral for a”. 
Replying to a question about the unpaid Pakistanis in KSA, he said the matter is being taken up at highest level and issue will soon be resolved.