National News

US following prejudicial policy against Muslims: Gilani

US following prejudicial policy against Muslims: Gilani

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):The Chairman of All Parties Hurriyat Conference, Syed Ali Gilani in Indian Occupied Kashmir, has strongly denounced the US move to declare Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
According to Kashmir Media Service, Syed Ali Gilani in a statement issued in Srinagar said that despite its tall claims of being a democracy, the US was following a biased and a prejudicial policy against the Muslim countries.
The Muslim world, he said, must forge unity and take practical steps against the sinister designs and conspiracies hatched by the US.
Meanwhile, Syed Ali Gilani presided over an extraordinary meeting of the APHC’s Executive Council in Srinagar.
The leaders and representatives from all the constituents of the APHC attended the meeting and thoroughly discussed and deliberated upon prevailing situations, geopolitical changes, conspiracies hatched against Muslim Ummah and recent developments related with the ongoing Kashmir freedom movement and the future strategy.
“Various issues were discussed and after deliberations it was declared that while pursuing the freedom movement, we will never succumb to any pressure. While extending full support to Syed Ali Gilani, the Council hailed the stand and stance adopted by him on the Kashmir dispute,” a statement issued after the meeting said.
The statement said, it was resolved in the meeting that the APHC believes in peaceful resolution of all issues through meaningful dialogue, however it is the arrogance of Indian administration that has turned occupied Kashmir into a graveyard and while strangulating the genuine voices, the Indian authorities are caging innocents including students, youth and elderly and added that practically the Indian puppets have created martial law like situation in the occupied territory.
The participants declared that they are obliged to follow the mission of martyrs and will take the ongoing movement to its logical end. They said that negotiations under the shadow of gun are unacceptable.
The APHC constituent members also observed that both the issues of Kashmir and Palestine were of serious nature for the Muslim world and the OIC. They appealed to the Muslim Ummah to forge unity among its folds and initiate measures for the resolution of these two issues.
In the meeting, it was reiterated that the APHC will organize a seminar on Saturday (December 09) at its headquarters in Hyderpora and also extended support to the protest rally scheduled to be taken out on Sunday by the Joint Resistance Leadership from Lal Chowk to the UN Observers’ Office in Srinagar where a memorandum will be handed over to the UN representative.
The participants also took strong notice of harassment of the APHC’s constituent member, Davinder Singh and his family by goons of extremist Hindu organizations Bajrang Dal and Vishwa Hindu Parishad and warned the puppet rulers will be responsible if anything untoward happened to them.