National News

Use of pellets against protesters in IOK denounced

Use of pellets against protesters in IOK denounced

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):The Pellet Victims Association has denounced the pellet firing on the people time and again saying that Indian forces were on a mission to blind the youth and students of Kashmir to destroy their future.
The Coordinator of Pellet Victims Association, Bashir Ahmed, in a statement issued in Srinagar condemned the firing of bullets and pellets on protesters in Shopian injuring dozens including Mukhtiyar Ahmed, Feroz Ahmed, Parvez Ahmed, Muhammad Shahid, Gulzar Ahmed, Danish Ahmed, Farooq Ahmed and Manzoor Ahmed who received injuries in one or both eyes, KMS reported.
He also expressed solidarity with the youth, Imran Muneer and Muhammad Ayub, who were hit by bullets.