National News

Vital US defense equipment helped Pakistan’s gains in fight against terror

WASHINGTON, March 24 (APP): The provision of some vital defense
equipment by the United States helped Pakistan eliminate infrastructure of world’s most notorious terror networks and led to a marked reduction of terrorism in the country, Pakistan’s ambassador to the United States said
on Wednesday.
Speaking at a reception, he hosted at the Pakistan Embassy in Washington
to mark Pakistan’s National Day, Ambassador Jalil Abbas Jilani expressed Pakistan’s gratitude to the United States for its help and cooperation in the areas of defense, health, education and economic development.
The reception was attended by the Under-secretary of State Patrick
Kennedy, Congressman Mark Meadows, officials from the US administration and the Capital Hill, senior members of Washington’s diplomatic corps and members of the Pakistani American community.
The highlight of the evening was presentation of national Urdu songs by
an American singer, Heather Schmid who, along with her daughter, enthralled the gathering with bringing together modern pop music and Eastern melody. Her song “Pehlay Hum Pakistani Hain” drew a large applause.The theme of the song was based on unity.
Under-secretary Kennedy noted that Pak-US relations have improved
during the past three years and were based on mutual respect.He said during the recently held US-Pakistan Strategic Dialogue discussed multi-facet relations including expanding trade and cooperation for regional security.
He extended warm greetings to the Pakistani people on behalf of the US
government and added that long-term relations between the two countries would continue to grow in years to come.
Congressman Meadows lauded the efforts by Ambassador Jilani in promoting
US-Pak ties and said the focus should be on issues that bring the two countries together and not divide them.
Jilani said that the operation Zarb-e-Azb launched by the
Pakistan army has destroyed terrorists’ infrastructure and strongholds and resulted in a significant reduction of terror incidents in the country.
“In this extra-ordinary achievement, let us thank our friends in the
United States for their consistent support and encouragement.Some of the vital defence equipment from the United States helped turn the tide in our fight against terrorism,” he added.
The Ambassador referring to the historical ties between Pakistan and the
United States said bilateral cooperation has always been a mutually beneficial bargain.”Building on this cooperative spirit, we are moving forward to bring peace in the region through reconciliation in Afghanistan”.
He said that Pakistan’s unshakeable commitment for a peaceful
neighbourhood remains a cardinal principle of the country’s foreign policy, and the government looks forward to good neighbourly relations with all its neighbours and countries in the region.
The Ambassador said that Pakistan and US recently concluded the sixth
Ministerial Review of the Strategic Dialogue process last month, which signifies a structured format towards sustaining a strategic partnership between two countries.
The two countries, he said, shared a common desire to add greater
substance and depth to this relationship and to make it more people-centered.
Ambassador Jilani said that Pakistan continues to be the foremost
beneficiary of the US Fulbright Scholarships Programme, and the two countries have lately agreed to strengthen this cooperation by establishing a “Pak-US Knowledge Corridor”.
With over 10,000 Ph.D graduates, this concept would be geared to
expanding US-Pak education cooperation and stimulating Pakistan’s economic fortunes, he added.
He also appreciated US help in dealing with the energy crisis and said
that expanding cooperation with US in this area is already producing results as around 1400 MWs were added to Pakistan’s electric supply in the last few years.
On the economic front, he said that Pakistan is committed to seeking a
long term partnership with the US anchored in “trade not aid”.With a country of 200 million vibrant people, Pakistan offers great opportunities to the US investors and business houses, he added.
The Ambassador also invited the Pakistani American Community to take
precedence in benefiting from the economic and investment opportunities being revived in Pakistan.