National News

VOV raises serioius concern over illegal detention of youth

VOV raises serioius concern over illegal detention of youth

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):The Voice of Victims (VOV), a civil rights body, has expressed serious concern over the torturing of a family and continued illegal detention of two nephews of prominent liberation leader, Mushtaq Ahmad Zargar in Srinagar.
According to Kashmir Media Service, Indian police arrested twenty two youth including 18-year old Dawood Zargar and 25-year old Aadil Zargar from downtown in Srinagar in July on fake charges.
Dawood Zargar and Aadil Zargar are the sons of an enforced disappeared person, Sirajud Din Farooqi, who was arrested by Indian forces on 22 January 1992. He went missing during custody in Nowhatta area of Srinagar.
The VOV spokesman in a statement in Srinagar while demanding immediate release of all illegally detained youth including Dawood Zargar and Aadil Zargar said that Indian forces are unnecessary harassing the family of the Mushtaq Zaragr, particularly Sirajud Din Farooqi, who is also brother-in-law of the liberation leader.
The rights body said that Indian authorities and puppet regime were trying to crush the ongoing movement by the use of brute force and invoking black laws on the innocent people of Kashmir. The statement urged international human right bodies including Amnesty International and UNHRC to send their teams to Kashmir and assess the worst situation and military might policies of New Delhi in Jammu and Kashmir.
The VOV Chairman, Altaf Ahmad Butt in a separate statement while denouncing the killing and arrest of the youth said that India’s stubbornness over the Kashmir dispute was the main cause of bloodshed and injustice in the territory. He appealed to the international community to come forward and impress upon India to stop killing, arrest and harassment of Kashmiris and resolve the Kashmir dispute for ensuring durable peace in South Asia.