National News

Wagha Border resounds with ‘Pakistan Zindabad’

LAHORE, March 23 (APP): Pakistan Rangers maintained its national zeal and enthusiam during its performance at the parade in the flag-lowering ceremony here at Wagha Border on Pakistan Day, March 23.
The stadium was jam-packed amidst highly charged crowd chanting full throated slogans of Pakistan Zindabad and Pak Army Paindabad. The excellent performance of the stout and smart contingent of Pakistan Rangers at the parade further hightened the audience’s sentiments and will to face all kinds of challenges in the defence of the motherland.
During the flag ceremony, the parade ground resounded with slogans of Pakistan Zindabad (Long live Pakistan), Jeway Jeway Pakistan, Pak Army Zindabad and Allah-o-Akbar by the participants showing national enthusiam and patriotism.
Overall public sentiments at the ceremony were high, the message was loud and clear that nation stood united against all odds and was determined to eliminate terrorism from the country. The spectators expressed their strong will to join hands with armed forces of Pakistan to fight back and crush the country’s enemies as well as eliminate the menace of terrorism in totality no matter what the cost was.