National News

Weeds harm crops badly, says survey

LAHORE, July 29 (APP): Weeds pose a serious threat to
different crops and reduce the yield drastically, said a
spokesman for Punjab Agriculture Department here on Saturday.
According to a survey, conducted in Ayub Agriculture Research Instititute, Faisalabad, weeds harm wheat yield up to 45 per cent,
cotton production up to 3 to 41 per cent, rice 17 to 39 per cent,
sugarcane up to 10 to 35 per cent, corn 24 to 47 per cent,
pulses 25 to 55 per cent and vegtables up to 39 to 89 per cent.
He suggested that farmers should enure removal of weeds to
increase the crops yield.
Weeds also affect the quality of production with which
farmers get less price of their crop in the market, he added.