National News

Woman’s killing in Shopian widely condemned

Woman’s killing in Shopian widely condemned

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Hurriyat leaders and organizations in Indian occupied Kashmir, have strongly condemned the killing of a woman, Ruby Jan, in the firing of Indian troops in Shopian.
According to Kashmir Media Service , the All Parties Hurriyat Conference in a statement issued in Srinagar while denouncing the killing spree unleashed by the Indian forces in the territory said, “India can never kill the sentiment that has always been prevailing among the people.”
The APHC while paying tributes to the two youth, martyred by the troops in Shopian, yesterday, said, “These youth are laying their precious lives to nourish a sacred cause.” It appealed to the international community, human rights organizations to take cognizance of deteriorating human rights situation and rising Indian state terrorism in occupied Kashmir.
Dukhtaran-e-Millat (DeM) General Secretary, in her statement said, “Indian forces are not only killing the youth but women as well.” She paid tributes to the martyred youth.
Other Hurriyat leaders and activists including Bilal Siddiqui, Zamruda Habib, Farida Bahenji, Nahida Nasreen, Zafar Akbar Butt, Javaid Ahmed Mir, Barrister Abdul Majeed Tramboo, Firdous Ahmed Shah, Muhammad Yasin Attai, Abdul Qadeer Dar, Ghulam Nabi Wasim and Bashir Ahmed Tota also denounced the cold blood murder of Ruby Jan by the troops.
The Kashmir High Court Bar Association, Jamaat-e-Islami of occupied Kashmir and Peoples Freedom League in their statements termed the killing of women as the worst example of Indian state terrorism.
Meanwhile, a delegation of Hurriyat leaders and activists comprising Javaid Ahmed Mir, Meraaj Rathar and Sameer Ahmed visited SMHS and Barzulla hospitals in Srinagar and inquired about the health of the people who were injured in the firing of pellets and bullets by Indian troops in Shopian.