National News

Women Protection Right Bill, a good initiative : Romina

ISLAMABAD, (APP): Member National Assembly Romina
Khursheed Alam on Thursday said Women Protection Right Bill is
a positive initiative by the Punjab Assembly and hoped the
Parliament will also approve it after due process.
“The bill aims to protect women against violence including
the domestic one,” she said while talking to APP.
She said it is aimed at establishing a protection mechanism
for effective service delivery to women victims and create an
enabling environment to motivate and facilitate women to play
their an effective role in the society.
She said women are the main source of society and
specific issues are being discussed in the Parlaiment
regarding laws pertaining to women’s rights.
On another issue, MNA Romina Khursheed Alam said “Since
there is lack of Vitamin D in women, we are working to estabalish
good system of health, specially for those who give birth to babies
as usually they do not take care of diet plans.”
“We are providing awareness as well as the opportunity to
get themselves in beter condition,” she added.
She said “our main focus is to develop skill-based education
system for those deprived women who could not get education after
completing their graduation.”
She said, “Women Protection Right Bill would have a positive
effect in the society as it covers the major issues that our
vulnerable women suffer including the acid burn victims, harrasment,
and domestic violence.”
Moreover she said “Young women parliamentarians and Caucus are
also focused on the issues regarding vulnerable women.”