National News

Work on Fort Munro chairlift project to begin next year

MULTAN, (MILLAT/APP): Work on proposed chairlift project
would begin the next year at Fort Munro, the only hill station in
south Punjab that is accessible by road, officials said on
The Tourism Development Corporation Punjab (TDCP) Multan
officials met the officials of Fort Munro Development Authority
(FDA) here on Monday and discussed various tourism promotional
initiatives including the chairlift.
Regional Manager TDCP Multan Asher Iqbal Malik and Deputy
Manager Sheikh Ijaz said that in addition to discussing the
chairlift project they also discussed proposals of developing a
park at Khar, an area that lies at the foot of Fort Munro hills
and parking area near Kalma Chowk.
Asher said that he also held meetings with contractors
managing the TDCP resorts at Sakhi Sarwar, Fort Munro and Kot
Mithan on the orders of the TDCP managing directorand discussed
with them different proposals to facilitate the visitors and
tourists. A report would be sent to the TDCP high-ups shortly,
he added.