National News

World community should help mitigating plight of kashmiri women: leaders

ISLAMABAD, (APP): The pro-freedom leadership has demanded of the
international community to take steps to mitigate plight of kashmiri women in Indian Held Kashmir, who are victim of Indian oppression .
According to Kashmir Media Service, they have expressed dismay over
the international community’s failure to mitigate the sufferings of the Kashmiri women in Indian Occupied Kashmir.
APHC Chief, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, in a statement issued in Srinagar in
connection with the International Women’s Day said that Kashmiri women had faced enormous hardships and challenges under Indian occupation. “They have been the target of severe mental torture and physical exploitation.
Thousands of Kashmiri mothers, daughters and sisters have been
suffering the severe pain of disappearance and loss of their loved ones.”
The Mirwaiz said that the incidents like Kunanposhpora, Chanapora and
Shopian where Indian armed forces sexually abused women should shake the
conscience of the world. He appealed to the international rights’ bodies to play their role and use their influence to ensure rights of Kashmiri women.
The Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front Chairman, Muhammad Yasin Malik, in
a statement in Srinagar said that the Kashmiri women had been the worst victims of Indian oppression and tyranny.
“She has suffered, as a mother when her son got martyred or
disappeared in custody, as a wife when her husband was targeted, and as a woman when her chastity was violated by the trigger-happy forces of India,” he added.
“Indian rulers, who claim to worship Sita, Paarvati, Kali-Mata and
Ganga, have used the attack on chastity of women as a war tool in Kashmir and have dishonoured the Kashmiri women with impunity,” he deplored.
Yasin Malik asked the international community to shun its
double-standards and take steps to mitigate the sufferings of the Kashmir women, who are victims of Indian oppression.