National News

World’s silence encouraging Indian brutalities in IoK: APHC

World’s silence encouraging Indian brutalities in IoK: APHC

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):All Parties Hurriyat Conference reacting to the recent assertions of Indian Army Chief and BJP leaders has said that Indian army and political leadership wants to kill every soul in Jammu and Kashmir, in Indian Occupied Kashmir.
According to Kashmir Media Service, an APHC spokesman in a statement issued in held Srinagar criticized the continuous silence maintained by the world community over the Indian leadership’s design in the occupied territory. “Since past seven decades, we raised our voice and expressed our concern about the sinister plans of Indian leadership in occupied Kashmir; however no serious steps were taken by the international community,” it deplored.
Indian Army Chief, General Bipin Rawat and a local BJP leader, Ravinder Raina, in their recent assertions had tried to justify the recent killing of innocent civilians by Indian troops in Shopian.
The APHC while referring to arrogance of India and its local stooges said, “History stands witness that every arrogant power has to go and many a times the lesser or little-known powers make history and emerge as victorious.” It vowed to pursue Kashmiris’ mission of freedom against all odds.
The spokesman said that India’s tall claim to be the largest democracy of the world was nothing but hoax as the country’s political and military leadership had fascist mindset.
The Jammu and Kashmir Democratic Freedom Party in its statement also lashed out at BJP leader, Ravinder Raina, for his attempting to justify the innocent killings at the hands of Indian troops in Shopian.
Meanwhile, the APHC Chairman, Syed Ali Gilani, in his statement condemned the re-invoking of draconian law, Public Safety Act, against Tehreek-e-Hurriyat leaders and activists including Abdul Ghani Butt, Abdul Subhan Wani, Muhammad Afzal Butt and Zafar-ul-Islam. He denounced the continued house detention of APHC leaders, Muhammad Ashraf Sehrai and Muhammad Ashraf Laya.
The octogenarian leader and DFP also expressed profound grief over the demise of Agha Syed Mohammad Fazlullah and extended their condolences to the bereaved family.