National News

Zardari expresses grief over devastation by torrential rains

ISLAMABAD, Mar 20 (APP): President, Pakistan Peoples Party
Parliamentarian (PPPP) and former President, Asif Ali Zardari
on Sunday expressed profound grief over devastation caused by
torrential rains, landslides and thunder storms in parts of
KPK and AJK, leaving over two dozen people dead and scores of houses
and shops in rubble.
Zardari also called for stepping up rescue and relief
operation by all concerned state agencies and also directed the
Party chapters to set up emergency camps to provide relief
particularly to women, children and the aged persons.
He also called upon senior Party leaders to visit the affected
areas and commiserate with the victims in this hour of distress.
Mr. Zardari offered condolences to the bereaved families over
death of their near and dear ones and suffering material losses. He
also prayed for the recovery of those injured.