National News

Mustafa’s allegation not to damage MQM in Karachi: Tariqullah

ISLAMABAD, (APP): Member National Assembly (MNA) of Jamaat e
Islami, Sahabzada Tariqullah Tuesday said the peace situation in Karachi would not be affected after introduction of a new political party by Mustafa Kamal.
Talking to media outside the Parliament House, he said the allegations
of Mustafa Kamal on Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) was a move to bring about political changes in the biggest city of the country, saying, however, it would not be able to damage MQM.
He said the improvement in peace situation in Karachi would boost
political activities in the city and new parties could get opportunities.
Replying to a question, he said 21th March “Pakistan Day” was observed
every year to reinvigorate the ideology of the Pakistan and there was a need to move on the right direction, which was set for the creation of a free country.
To another query, the MNA said good relations with neighboring country
India should not be expected merely through cricket diplomacy. Both sides need to do more than that to improve the ties, he added.