International News

Two Canadian soldiers knifed at recruiting station

MONTREAL, (APP/AFP) – A man brandishing a knife stabbed
two Canadian soldiers at a Toronto recruiting station before he was subdued and arrested, police said lateMonday.
The 27 year-old male suspect made some comments before the police
arrived “which has caused some concern,” suggesting that the attack could related to terrorism, Toronto Police Chief Mark Saunders told reporters.
But he emphasized: “We don’t have at this time a clear understanding
of what the motivation is.”
The suspect entered the government office building Monday afternoon
and without provocation stabbed a soldier at the reception desk, then managed to wound a second soldier.
“At this time, through the training of the Canadian Forces, they were
able to subdue” the suspect, Saunders said.
Neither of the victims were seriously wounded, he said.
Had the other soldiers “not reacted the chances of this being much
more severe, much more serious definitely would’ve occurred.”
The suspect, who was not identified, was arrested and taken to a
hospital for a mental evaluation “before the investigation will be further initiated,” Saunders said.
Saunders said that his agents were working with the Royal Canadian
Mounted Police and the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) to investigate the case.
Saunders said that any connection with a jihadist group would be
“seriously” analyzed.
Further information on the case will be announced on Tuesday, he