National News

Parliment to decide to hold general elections early or in time: Governor Sindh

Parliment to decide to hold general elections early or in time: Governor Sindh

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Governor Sindh Muhammed Zubair has said it is totally government prerogative to announce or hold general elections 2018.
Talking to PTV News,Governor Sindh said that Parliament,in a democratic system,has right to hold the elections early or in time.
Replying a question he said assemblies would be dissolved in Jan and senate elections would be held in March in which PML-N success is confirmed that is the reason that oppositions parties are afraid.
He said that all the political parties are doing the politics of allegations.
He mentioned PPP having some personal objections on consensus 2017 and emphasizing to hold the elections on basis of previous consensus even they do not have any legal position because this decision would come from the court.
He appreciated former PM Nawaz Sharif on appearing before court even when his wife is passing through a very serious condition.He said that Nawaz Sharif is courageous leader and having the sympathy of public too because he is going through a very tough time.
He stressed that it is logical to club all the references because the bottom line of all is same.