National News

Rich tributes paid to martyred Waseem Ahmad, others in IOK

IOK people urged

Rich tributes paid to martyred Waseem Ahmad, others in IOK

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):The Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) and other pro-freedom leaders and organizations in Indian occupied Kashmir, have paid rich tributes to martyr Waseem Ahmad and others youth who have laid down their lives for the Kashmir cause.
According to Kashmir Media Service, the JKLF in a statement issued in Srinagar said that a party delegation comprising Javed Ahmad Butt, Tariq Ahmad and others visited Pulwama and expressed solidarity with his bereaved family of Waseem Ahmad and other martyrs.
The statement said that from 2008 hundreds of innocent youth had been killed by Indian forces’ personnel and thousands injured among whom hundreds had lost their eyesight while thousands had been subjected to torture and detention in various jails.
It said that India and its stooges had unleashed a reign of terror against innocent and peaceful Kashmiri youth and had left no space for peaceful political activities and the innocent youth are being pushed to the wall.
Meanwhile, a delegation of Tehreek-e-Hurriyat Jammu and Kashmir led by Bashir Ahmad Qureshi visited the residence of the martyr Waseem Ahmad in Pulwama and paid glowing tributes to him.
Addressing a gathering on the occasion, Bashir Ahmad Qureshi said that India had maintained its hold over Kashmir through military might. He said that Kashmir was a disputed territory and should be resolves politically and democratically in the light of the UN Kashmir resolutions.
The Jammu and Kashmir Muslim League (JKML) spokesman in a statement in Srinagar paid rich tributes to the martyred youth and said that the people of Kashmir would take the mission of their martyrs to its logical conclusion at all costs.