National News

DFP rejects charges framed against jailed Shabbir Shah

DFP rejects charges framed against jailed Shabbir Shah

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Jammu and Kashmir Democratic Freedom Party (DFP) in Indian occupied Kashmir, has strongly rejected as trash the charges framed by a New Delhi court against illegally detained party Chairman and senior APHC leader, Shabbir Ahmed Shah.
According to Kashmir Media Service , Patiala House Court in New Delhi on Wednesday framed charges against Shabbir Ahmed Shah in a decade-old false case registered against him.
The DFP in a statement in held Srinagar said, Shabbir Ahmed Shah is being targeted for his just political stance about the Kashmir dispute. “That is why first a media trial was launched against him and later he was booked under an old case which has already been decided by a court,” it said.
The DFP said that the government of India had started a campaign of character assassination against the senior APHC leader and was using old and already decided cases to defame him. It expressed concern over deteriorating health of the party Chairman and said that instead of being provided better health care, he was being harassed by the so-called charge-sheets.
Quoting reports from Delhi’s Tihar Jail, the statement said that Shabbir Shah’s health condition had deteriorated to such an extent that he fell down two days back and was helped by other inmates as he had gone unconscious. It stated that oppressive measures like detaining leaders like Shabbir Shah won’t help instead will deteriorate further the already tense situation in occupied Kashmir.
The statement maintained that peace and stability in the south Asian region could not be ensured without settlement of the Kashmir dispute in accordance with the Kashmiris’ aspirations.