National News

Glowing tributes paid to martyred youth in IOK

Glowing tributes paid to martyred youth in IOK

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Hurriyat leaders and organizations in Indian occupied Kashmir have paid glowing tributes to the youth recently martyred by Indian troops.
According to Kashmir Media Service, the youth, Tayyib Majeed of Sopore and Ashiq Hussain of Palhalan were martyred on Monday in Zachaldara area of Handwara and Muzamil of Yaripora achieved martyrdom in Kulgam on Tuesday.
A delegation of Jammu and Kashmir People’s Political Front, led by its Chairman, Muhammad Musaddiq Aadil visited the residence of Tayyib Majeed at Brath in Sopore and expressed solidarity with the bereaved family.
Addressing a gathering on the occasion, Musadiq Aadil paid rich tributes to the martyred youth and said that the blood of Kashmiri martyrs would not be allowed to go waste and their mission would be accomplished at all costs.
Hurriyat leaders, Shabbir Ahmad Dar and Qutab Aalam, also visited Brath and paid homage to martyred Tayyib Majeed. Speaking on the occasion, Shabbir Ahmad Dar said that India could no longer hold Kashmir under its forced occupation. He said that the huge number of people who attended the funeral procession of these great martyrs should serve as an eye-opener to India that the people of Kashmir were with freedom movement.
The Dukhtaran-e-Millat General Secretary, Nahida Nasreen, in a statement issued in Srinagar said that the blood of the great martyrs would not go waste. “The dawn of freedom from the illegal Indian occupation is very near. Freedom is our destiny, we may face difficulties in reaching there but one day we will reach our destiny,” she added.
Nahida Nasreen deplored that on one hand, Indian forces were killing innocent Kashmiri youth, while on the other, were disallowing people to mourn their killings by caging the entire population. She said communication is blocked, movement of people is restricted but thousands of people still come out of their homes and participate in the funeral processions of the martyrs and pay homage to them.
The spokesman of Jammu and Kashmir Peoples Freedom League (JKPFL) in a statement in Srinagar paying tributes to the martyred youth said that the Kashmiri people would not allow the sacrifices of their martyrs go waste and would take the ongoing freedom movement to its logical conclusion at all costs.