National News

Awareness session for drug abuse held at IUB

Awareness session for drug abuse held at IUB

BAHAWALPUR, (MILLAT ONLINE):Drug abuse is a menace, which results in massive moral degradation and societal disintegration, affecting the population equally and especially the youth of the country considered as the builders of the nation in future. According to UNODC Survey Report “Drug Use in Pakistan 2013”, there are 6.7 million addicts aged between 15-64 years in Pakistan, which advocates an urgent need to eradicate the evil instantaneously. This was stated during an awareness session on drug abuse held on direction of Prof. Dr. Qaiser Mushtaq, Vice Chancellor at the Islamia University of Bahawalpur in collaboration the Higher Education Commission. The speakers stressed on the
There is dire need of all state organs, media and civil society should join hands collectively to create mass consciousness, enforce the regulations and formulate joint strategies in controlling the nuisance. They further stated that in 2015, the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan had advised all the universities to ensure that universities campuses are declared as smoke-free zones. Regrettably, the same has not been adopted and implemented in letter and spirit. Prof. Dr. Naveed Akhtar, Dean Faculty of Pharmacy in remarks emphasized on creating awareness against drug abuse for students, teaching faculty, university staff and the parents. Lectures, Seminars, Debates, workshops, sports and cultural events at universities and their campuses along with awareness banners, stickers, pamphlets, and posters to be carried out to promote anti-drug usage.