National News

India’s callousness behind bloodshed in IOK: Gilani

India’s callousness behind bloodshed in IOK: Gilani

ISLAMABAD, (MILLATY ONLINE):Chairman of All Parties Hurriyat Conference, Syed Ali Gilani, has lauded the Government of Pakistan’s sincere steps of introducing the self-determination resolution in the UN General Assembly, saying Pakistani Ambassador Maleeha Lodhi has rightly placed the issue keeping in view its historical background.
The UN General Assembly on Thursday had unanimously passed a Pakistan-sponsored resolution reaffirming that the universal realization of the right of peoples to self-determination was a fundamental condition for the effective guarantee and observance of human rights, KMS reported.
Syed Ali Gilani in a statement issued in Srinagar said, “We are facing extreme situation for the past 71 years and after 39 years of strenuous efforts, Pakistan succeeded in introducing the resolution in UNGA.”
He said, “The world community has turned a blind eye to our agonies and miseries, and our screams and wailing go unnoticed”.
Hailing Lodhi, Gilani said all member countries including India are aware of the historical evidences and aspects of Kashmir dispute. He said it was India that took the case to the UN and eighteen resolutions on Kashmir were passed in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC).
The APHC Chairman said Pakistan continues to support Kashmiris despite facing multiple challenges and issues. “It is encouraging and we feel delighted that world body has acknowledged and accepted the Pakistan-sponsored resolution,” he said. “It will send a good message to all subjugated nations.”
Gilani said the UNSC stands witness to the right to self-determination to Kashmiri people, but has miserably failed to implement the resolutions. “While pursuing their genuine rights and the right to self-determination, the people of J&K presented sacrifices of six lac precious souls,” the pro-freedom leader said, adding, “until this institution performs its duties as expected, Kashmiris will continue to suffer due to this forced occupation.”
Gilani said New Delhi is using its military might to suppress the genuine aspirations of Kashmiris. “If all the freedom and justice-loving countries would support the legitimate struggle of the suppressed nations, the world will turn into a real heaven and a peaceful place for all people to live,” he added.
Meanwhile, Syed Ali Gilani paid rich tributes to the youth, martyred by Indian troops in Hajin operation. “These youths lay their lives to end the age-old slavery of their nation. They are putting heavy responsibility on our shoulders to carry forward their mission to its logical end,” he said.
The APHC chairman said New Delhi’s insensitivity and unconcern is the sole reason for the unabated bloodshed in Kashmir and is pushing youth to the wall. He said Kashmir is a political and human issue and, as such, military might or coercive measures won’t solve this”.
“Our fundamental rights are being curbed and our peaceful activities denied. For this reason, youth are taking extreme steps,” Gilani concluded.