National News

DeM hails Pakistan for highlighting Kashmir dispute at UNGA

DeM hails Pakistan for highlighting Kashmir dispute at UNGA

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Dukhtaran-e-Millat (DeM) has hailed the initiative of Pakistan of introducing the right to self-determination resolution in the UN General Assembly (UNGA).
According to Kashmir Media Service (KMS), the DeM General Secretary, Nahida Nasreen, in a statement issued in Srinagar said, “Keeping in view the historical context of the Kashmir dispute, Pakistan’s permanent representative to the UN Maleeha Lodhi has portrayed the true picture of Jammu and Kashmir.”
It is to mention here that the UN General Assembly on Thursday had unanimously passed a Pakistan-sponsored resolution reaffirming that the universal realization of the right of people’s to self-determination was a fundamental condition for the effective guarantee and observance of human rights.