National News

UBG nominates Ghazanfar Bilour as candidate for slot of FPCCI president

UBG nominates Ghazanfar Bilour as candidate for slot of FPCCI president

PESHAWAR, (MILLAT ONLINE):The United Businessmen Group (UBG) has nominated prominent businessmen of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and former
President of Sarhad Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCI), Ghazanfar Bilour as candidate for the slot of president of Federation of Pakistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI).
The contest for election of new office bearers of businessmen’s apex body (FPCCI) will be held on December 29, 2017 at Karachi.
The UBG has also nominated Atif Ikram, an industrialist from
Haripure, as its candidate for the slot of Vice President.
This announcement was made by Ghazanfar Bilour while
addressing a press conference here at Sarhad Chamber of Commerce and Industry
on Tuesday.
President SCCI, Zahidullah Shinwari and other prominent businessmen
of KP including presidents of different chambers of commerce of the province
were also present on the occasion.
Addressing the press conference, Ghazanfar Bilour, who is
son of known businessman, Senator Ilyas Ahmad Bilour, said leadership of UBG
has reposed confidence in him and he will utilize his full energies to come up
to there expectation.
He also held out assurance of making all out efforts for resolving
issues relating to businessmen of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa on priority basis.
He said the biggest problem faced by businessmen of Pakistan
nowadays is delay in payment of rebate which is affecting business activity
in the country.
Furthermore, he continued, non availability of proper gas
and electricity supply to industries is also affecting production in KP.
He also thanked leadership of UBG including S.M Munir, Ifikhar
Malik and Ilyas Bilour for nominating him as candidate of the group for the
slot of president of FPCCI.
On this occasion, president of trade bodies of different cities
of KP including Haripure, Abbotabad, Swat, Mardan and Charsadda announced their
full support in the candidature of Ghazanfar Bilour.
Speaking on the occasion, President SCCI, Zahid Shinwari
said it is a very good development that businessman from KP has been nominated
for president-ship of FPCCI.
He said election of Ghazanfar Bilour for the slot of FPCCI
president-ship will be a good omen for business community of KP.
Businessmen in KP are facing a lot of problems and hopefully
with support of Ghazanfar Bilour in his capacity as president FPCCI measures
would be taken for redressal, Zahid added.
President SCCI also criticized PTI led government in KP for
not giving due consideration to the problems of businessmen of the province.
He said no proper policy has been chalked out for industrialization
in the province besides not taking steps for development of proper
He said SCCI plans to hold an All Parties Conference (APC)
to take political leadership of the province in confidence for preparing a
charter of demand to promote business in the region.
Similarly, he continued, SCCI will also hold a grand meeting
of businessmen to hold discussion on CPEC and its impact on economy of the
country in general and KP in particular.