National News

Agha Hassan expresses anguish over plight of prisoners

Agha Hassan expresses anguish over plight of prisoners

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Senior APHC leader and President of Anjuman Sharie Shian, Agha Syed Hassan Al-Moosvi Al-Safvi in Indian occupied Kashmir, has expressed serious concern over the deteriorating health of senior resistance leader, Shabbir Ahmad Shah and other Hurriyat leaders languishing in New Delhi’s Tihar Jail.
According to Kashmir Media Service, Agha Moosvi in a statement issued in Srinagar said, “The APHC leader is suffering from multiple ailments; however, he is not being provided specific treatment.”
He also expressed anguish over the plight of Kashmir political prisoners languishing in Jammu Kashmir and outside jails. “The incarcerated leader is being subjected to political vendetta,” he added.
The APHC leader criticized the puppet authorities, and said the ill-treatment is being meted out to the political prisoners and are lodged with hardened criminals.
He said the detainees were not criminals but political prisoners who were being subjected to detention for their political convictions and outlook and dealing with them “inhumanly is not only a violation of the Geneva Conventions of the rights and dignity of prisoners but even against basic human practices and ethics.”
Agha Hassan Moosvi said that even visitors and relatives were harassed and tormented by the authorities. “All this is done in complete violation of the jail manual which lays emphasis on the honor and dignity of prisoners,” he added.