National News

Pakistan-origin woman becomes detective with Scotland Yard

Pakistan-origin woman becomes detective with Scotland Yard

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):A Pakistan-origin British national has become the first ever Muslim woman to be inducted in the Scotland Yard as a detective superintendent.
According to Private news channel, Shabnam Chaudhry moved to London with her parents at the age of two and joined police force going against her family’s decision to get her married.
She was inducted in the police force in 1989 and for her exceptional work to bust criminal gangs and curbing hate crime, Chaudhry has been promoted to detective superintendent with the Metropolitan Police Service.
“My parents wanted me to get married early and settle down. I opposed and joined the police to make a difference. When my parents saw that I was fighting crimes and helping people in need, they became happy and proud of me,” Chaudhry told.