National News

One Bill introduced, half yearly report of FIA laid in Senate

One Bill introduced, half yearly report of FIA laid in Senate

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):The Upper House of the Parliament witnessed introduction of one government bill on Friday
and presentation of half yearly report of the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) in respect of
its activities.
Most of the agenda items were deferred due to absence
of relevant ministers or movers of various parliamentary interventions.
Minister for Parliamentary Affairs Sheikh Aftab Ahmed introduced
the Law and Justice Commission of Pakistan (Amendment) Bill, 2017. The Chairman
Senate Mian Raza Rabbani referred the bill to the relevant for further deliberations.
Sponsored by MQM Senator Mian Muhammad Ateeq Shaikh, the
Chairman Senate Mian Raza Rabbani rejected an adjournment motion regarding
the system of taxes in Pakistan as revealed by recent Annual Flagship Report of
World Bank according to which Pakistan stands at 172 position out of 190 countries
in international ranking where the system of filing of tax returns has been made easy.
Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Interior Senator Abdul
Rehman Malik moved two motions under Rule 194 (1) seeding extensions of 30 days
for presentation of reports on two legislative pieces including the the
Criminal Laws (Amendment) (Protection of Rights of Transgender Persons) Bill,
2017] and the Miscarriage of Justice (Compensation) Bill, 2017. Both motions
were passed by the House after voice voting and extension of 30 days was granted.
A Calling Attention Notice regarding suspension of automatic
weapon licenses across the country was deferred due to absence of Minister. The
Chair was requested to defer it as the Minister for Interior had to attend the
meeting of Council of Common Interest (CCI).
The House dropped another notice due to absence its sponsors
Senators Sherry Rehman and Sehar Kamran. It was regarding proposal to sell out
key assets of PIA such as hotels in New York and Paris.
Due to absence of relevant, Minister for Parliamentary
Affairs Sheikh Aftab Ahmed requested to defer the winding up of discussion on
the admitted adjournment motion regarding increase in prices of petroleum products.
The Chair deferred this adjournment motion till Monday.