National News

Symposium stresses measures to end hunger among next generations

SARGODHA, Nov 26 (APP)::Speakers at a moot Sunday highlighted deplorable situation of increased population growth rates with slow advancement in agriculture sector, urged eradication of hunger among the next generations by achieving the targets of Sustainable Agriculture Development (SAD), and working jointly for achieving desired goals.A three-day international symposium titled “Innovative Trends in Agricultural Sciences” was organised here by the Agriculture College, University of Sargodha (UoS), in collaboration with the Higher Education Commission (HEC) and Punjab Agricultural Research Board (PARB).They said that world population was growing rapidly and much more innovative efforts were needed on urgent basis, to increase agricultural production, improvement in the global supply chain, decrease food losses and waste. They maintained that all suffering from hunger and malnutrition must have access to nutritious food which should be secured.A senior professor at the University of Southern Mississippi, US, Dr Shahid Karim, shared ideas through Skype on choosing way forward: Connecting the dots in foods, health and environment.He highlighted that Pakistan’s agriculture sector representing 20.9% of the country’s total gross domestic product and employs 43.4% of the country’s total workforce.