National News

Litter heaps cleaned from Faizabad sit-in site

Litter heaps cleaned from Faizabad sit-in site

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):The Faizabad Interchange on Tuesday was cleaned of litter and garbage as the protesters left the site ending their over three-week sit-in.
The sanitary workers of Municipal Corporation of Islamabad (MCI) took to their task to remove heaps of garbage from the bridge strewed with plastic bags, food residue and human waste.
Wearing brightly-coloured orange jackets and holding large-sized brooms, the MCI workers put their efforts from early morning to late afternoon to clean the Interchange, which is situated at the junction of Islamabad and Rawalpindi and channelizes huge traffic load.
Empty plastic water bottles and polystyrene boxes plagued the site, which was sprayed with disinfectant to remove foul smell.
The green belt along the Interchange, which was marred with filth, was also cleaned up.
The city administration also fixed a portion of the damaged iron fence bifurcating the Murree Road.
The administration hired private 16-wheelers to carry away the charred police vans that were set alight by violent protesters in reaction to crackdown against them on Saturday.
The opening of Faizabad’s main road artery has come much to the relief of commuters of twin cities, who used other link roads that multiplied their misery for 22 days in shape of extra kilometres, fuel and time.