National News

Quaid’s bust unveiled at London museum

Quaid’s bust unveiled at London museum

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Pakistan’s founding father Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s bust was unveiled at the British Museum on Tuesday in a ceremony organized by Pakistan High Commission in London, a private TV channel reported.
London Mayor Sadiq Khan, Pakistani High Commissioner to the United Kingdom Syed Ibn-e-Abbas and sculptor Philip Jackson unveiled Quaid’s bust in a ceremony several dignitaries, a private news channel reported.
Pakistan and United Kingdom national anthems were also played on the occasion.
Sadiq Khan in his address on the occasion paid rich tributes to Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and declared him a great leader. He said that Muhammad Ali Jinnah was not only the hero of Pakistanis but the people of other nations also accept him a great leader.
Speaking on the occasion, Pakistani High Commissioner to the United Kingdom Syed Ibn-e-Abbas said that Quaid’s bust will soon grace Britain’s Lincoln’s Inn.