National News

JRL says India not sincere to resolve Kashmir dispute

JRL says India not sincere to resolve Kashmir dispute

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):The Joint Resistance Leadership (JRL) comprising Syed Ali Gilani, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and Muhammad Yasin Malik in Indian occupied Kashmir, has said that India is not serious and sincere to resolve the Kashmir dispute.
According to Kashmir Media Service, speaking at a seminar at Syed Ali Gilani’s Hyderpora residence in Srinagar the resistance leaders said that the steps taken by the government of India were not sincere as arrests, killings and oppression continued in the territory at the same time when offer of talks was being made.
They also made reference to recent incidents in the Tihar and Kathua jails and lambasted the treatment meted out there to the Kashmiri prisoners.
Syed Ali Gilani in his address asked the Kashmiri people to remain steadfast. He said that when the subcontinent got divided in 1947 and India and Pakistan came into being as separate states, Jammu and Kashmir was becoming a natural part of Pakistan.
“(Because) a plan was set so as to see how (many) miles of a state aligns with which (side)… with which country our culture matches and which country has the majority of Muslims and Hindus,” he explained. “Majority of border lines of Jammu and Kashmir aligned with Pakistan… Jammu and Kashmir had majority of Muslims in 1947, and our culture matched with Pakistan as well,” he maintained.
In his address, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq said, the current situation in occupied Kashmir is very difficult. “Suppress them (the Kashmiris) from all sides… be it south, north Kashmir or in jails. A scary situation has been created, and Kashmiris are being suppressed on all sides,” he said. “The recent incidents in Tihar and Kathua jails are pathetic. There is pattern in it,” he said.
Mirwaiz said that Indian laws clearly state that prisoners should be lodged near their homes. “They have been deliberately lodged away from their homes to show Kashmiris as to how much oppression can be done on us,” he said.
“At a time when Kashmiri prisoners are being beaten and injured… indiscriminate power is being used against the Kashmiris… (and) Kashmiris are being suppressed, a perception is being created that they (government of India) is serious to do anything, but it is deception and there is no doubt in it,” he added.
Mirwaiz, however, said if any initiative is taken on sincerity and truthfulness (naik-neeti) by India, the resistance leadership will respond to that. “We will but we know they (government of India) are liars and deceivers,” he said, without naming anyone or mentioning the Indian government’s recent initiative of appointing an interlocutor on Jammu and Kashmir.
“See for yourself the difference (between) what they are doing and what they are saying… this situation demands responsibility, that we need to safeguard our sacrifices we need to show resolve and we will succeed, Insha Allah,” the Mirwaiz said.
Muhammad Yasin Malik in his speech highlighted the brutalities of Indian troops in the occupied territory particularly in South and North Kashmir. “Look at the current situation in south and north Kashmir, especially in the villages of south Kashmir,” he said. “Kulgam, Tral, Islamabad, Pulwama and every village in the name of crackdown, our mothers and sisters are being taken out of their homes in the mornings and then oppression is done to them,” he said.
Yasin Malik said that India used its National Investigation Agency (NIA) to make the Kashmiris surrender. “There is no other reason behind it. See the situation in the jails as to what is happening there,” he added.
“Fascists are ruling from Delhi… Operation All-out has only one aim, to thrash Kashmiris so as to make them surrender,” he said. “We have got together to get thrashed. Our Islamic scriptures teach us to raise voice against this thrashing,” he said, insisting on unity among Kashmiris.
“They have decided to make us surrender, but we won’t do so at any cost. We will continue this movement as people have nourished it with their blood,” he said.