National News

AIOU receives special award on its publication on ‘Seerat-un-Nabi’ (PBUH)

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):A research journal entitlted as “Seerat-un-Nabi”(PBUH), recently published by Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) has been declared the best academic publication of the year 2017.
A special award was given to the university on its publication at a National Seerat Conference held here on the occasion of Eid Milad-un-Nabi, a press release said on Saturday.
The journal was adjudged as the best one by the Federal Ministry of Religious Affairs. It is the recognization of the University’s Vice Chancellor Prof Dr Shahid Siddiqui’s consistent efforts of promoting ‘Seerat-un-Nabi’(PBUH) in the country through research-based academic activities.
According to the Dean , University’s department of Islamic studies Prof Dr Shah Mohyuddin Hashmi, on the initiative of the Vice Chancellor, the University arranged two international conferences on Seerat studies in a period of one year.
In order to push forward, the efforts of projecting the life and messages of Hazrat Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) through academic pursuits, the University has decided to launch a BS-level program on Islamic Studies with specialization on seerat studies from next year.
The seerat journal is aimed at seeking guidance and aspirations from ‘Quran and Sunnah’ for society-reformation and having a better life both at individual and collective level.
It was the 14th research document published by the University in a short period of time, about three years.
The journal on Seerat is of international standard and its writers are some world-known Muslim scholars, including from Saudi Arabia, India and Aljazair.
It contained eight research-based articles that deliberate upon the topics of social welfare society and social justice as well as a guideline for addressing the present days’ socio-economic problems.
Some famous names who contributed to the journal included Dr Muhammad Razaq Asood from Saudi Arabia and Dr Yaseen Mazhar Siddiqui from Alighar Muslim University, New Delhi.
Those who shared their research-based articles from the country included Dr Saeedur Rehman (Bahuddin Zakria University, Multan) Dr Samina Sadia (Punjab University), Dr Abdul Ghaffar (University of Engineers and Technology, Lahore) Dr Hamad Asharf Hamdani (Punjab University) Dr Abdul Hameed Khrrub, International Islamic University and Muhammad Rafiq Sadiq from AIOU.
Editorial Board of the journal included Vice Chancellor Dr Shahid Siddiqui, Professor Dr Syed Sulman Nadvi from South Africa, Professor Dr Muhammd Yaseen Mazhar from India, Dr Khalid Mahmood Sheikh from USA, Dr Attaullah Siddiqui from UK, Dr Muhammad Zahid Malik from Saudi Arabia, and Dr Abdul Hameed from Turkey.
According to the Department, the document is highly valuable to understand the message and teaching of Hazrat Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) for seeking solution to the present days’ problems that affects the life a common man. It serves as precious document for researchers and scholars.
While launching the journal, Dr Shahid Siddiqui has stated that Quran and Seerat-un-Nabi (PBUH) is a complete code of life for the Muslims to have a successful life here and hereafter.
He was of the view that merely economic development would not be enough for bringing real change in the life of the people. Social aspect, in term of values, attitude and thinking in light of Islamic teaching is also important for achieving success in other fields of life.