National News

Indian Army launches house numbering in Pulwama

Indian Army launches house numbering in Pulwama

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Indian Army has launched a house-to-house survey in Pulwama district, which has left the residents fuming in Indian occupied Kashmir.
According to Kashmir Media Service, the house numbering is currently going on in villages of Trichal, Tahab and Naira in the district.
Interestingly, local police and civil administration were not informed about the army’s move of conducting the survey.
Deputy Commissioner Pulwama, G M Dar, in a media interview said, “Nothing of this sort is in his knowledge. Neither police nor army has informed me. I will look into the matter,” he added.
Indian army spokesman, Col Rajesh Kalia, confirmed that Army was conducting the numbering of the houses.
Earlier, a similar survey was conducted last year in various villages of Pattan in Baramulla district.