National News

Sindh CM assures SCP to execute a doable plan for potable water

Sindh CM assures SCP to execute a doable plan for potable water

KARACHI, (MILLAT ONLINE):The Sindh Chief Minister, Syed Murad
Ali Shah here on Wednesday assured Supreme Court of Pakistan to devise
an executable plan and its implementation with regard to safe, potable
water for the citizens of the province.
Shah was summoned by a three member bench of Supreme Court of
Pakistan (SCP), headed by Chief Justice Mian Saqib Nisar on Monday
with regard to Constitutional Petition No.38 of 2016, filed by
Advocate Shahab Osto, to provide clean water and safe environment to
the people of Sindh.
The Chief Minister complying to the SCP order, ensured his
presence before the bench and requested to be provided time so as to
ensure provision of clean water, guaranteed as constitutional right of
the people.
The bench comprising Chief Justice Mian Saqib Nisar, Justice
Faisal Arab and Justice Sajjad Ali Shah, hearing the case at the
Karachi Registry of SCP, asked the head of the provincial government
to submit an affidavit mentioning time required to fulfill his
commitment without any failure.
The bench that had previously constituted a judicial commission,
headed by Justice Iqbal Kalhoro to investigate matters related to
water woes of the citizens and steps needed to be taken by the
provincial government, also inquired the Sindh CM, during Wednesday
proceedings, about reported discrepancies.
CJP Mian Saqib Nisar on the occasion emphasized that the bench
has sought presence of the Sindh Chief Minister with all respect and
“Our objective is only to rid people of polluted water,” he said
mentioning that as per available reports 91% of the people in the
province are deprived of safe potable water.
Syed Murad Ali Shah in response to a documentary screened during
the proceedings cited it not to be very accurate.
He, however, assured the court that its orders will be complied
and that this may required certain time period.
The petition being heard by the SCP encompasses issues regarding
denial of public right to quality water and safe environment (poor
sanitary facilities, almost non existent sanitation system and
atmospheric pollution).
Former Mayor of Karachi, Syed Mustafa Kamal, summoned by the
bench on Monday to ensured his presence before the bench also complied
to the orders.
He was asked by the bench to appear before it and clarify his
role in alleged allotment of 50 acres, out of a total of 129 acres of
land reserved for water treatment plant, to some misplaced people,
during his mayorship tenure from 2005 to 2010.
Advocate General of Sindh, provincial home secretary, managing
director of the Karachi Water and Sewerage Board (KWSB) and Karachi
police chief Mushtaq Ahmed Mahar were also present in the court.