National News

Yasin Malik condemns atrocities on Hajin people in IOK

Yasin Malik condemns atrocities on Hajin people in IOK

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):The Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) Chairman, Muhammad Yasin Malik in Indian occupied Kashmir, has strongly condemned the oppression unleashed by Indian forces in every nook and corner of the territory.
According to Kashmir Media Service, Muhammad Yasin Malik was talking to a delegation from Hajin, Bandipora that met him in Srinagar and informed him about the oppression unleashed by forces in the area.
The delegation apprised Yasin Malik about frequent siege and search operations, carried out by Indian troops in Hajin.
When forces found nothing during search operations, they set on fire grass stacks along with rice-paddy kept in houses, loot and vandalize the residential houses and property, torture and humiliate people without the discrimination of gender and age.
Yasin Malik assured the delegation that the gruesome acts of human rights abuses would be highlighted so that these were halted immediately.