National News

PBC condemns US decision to recognise Jerusalem as capital of Israel

PBC condemns US decision to recognise Jerusalem as capital of Israel

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Muhammad Ahsan Bhoon, Vice-Chairman and Hafeez-ur-Rehman Chaudhry, Chairman, Executive Committee, Pakistan Bar Council Thursday strongly condemned the decision of United States President to recognize Jerusalem
as capital of Israel.
Ahsan Bhon in a press statement said that the US president’s decision amounted not only to glaring violation of the
International Law and the UN Charter but was also against the Palestinians
right of independent state of their own with Jerusalem as its capital,
for which they are struggling since decades and have rendered a lot of
The U.S. being super power was under legal as well as moral
obligations to respect the right of independent state of Palestinian and
to support their legitimate demand of independent state with Jerusalem as
its capital which historically belong to Muslims, he added.
The Vice-Chairman and Chairman, Executive Com of apex body while deploring
the dubious role of the Security Council of the UN have called upon it to
summon its immediate session to pass a resolution against decision of the
U.S. President and to support Palestinians for their right of independent