National News

CM takes notice of ailment of children

CM takes notice of ailment of children

LAHORE, (MILLAT ONLINE):On a report aired by a section of
electronic media, Punjab Chief Minister Muhammad Shehbaz
Sharif has taken notice of the ailment of children of one
Muhammad Zubair, a resident of Haveli Lakha.
These children are suffering from hypercholesterolemia.
According to a spokesman on Saturday, on the direction of
the Chief Minister, Health Secretray Najam Ahmad Shah
constituted a special board for the medical check-up and
treatment of the children.
The father of the children had appealed to CM for providing treatment facility to his children.
The special medical board consisted of Professor Faisal
Masood, Vice Chancellor University of Health Science as
convener of the board, while other members of the board are
Principal Services Institute of Medical Sciences / Services
Hospital Professor Mahmood Ayaz, Associate Professor and
head of the Department of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases,
Services Hospital, Dr Khadija Irfan, Head of the Pathology
Department Services Hospital and Medical Superintendent
Services Hospital Professor of Medicines Sajid Nisar.
The spokesman said the special medical board would meet
periodically to review the condition of the patients and take
measures in accordance to it for provision of medical
The medical board would also ascertain the nature of
their diseases and propose further course of the management as
well as to ascertain the estimated cost.
The MS Services Hospital will ensure to facilitate the
family of the patients and provide them with requisite medicines/
surgical disposable to them when required.
The proceedings of the medical board will be furnished to
the department on weekly basis.