National News

Victim family denied entry to seminar on rights abuses in IOK

Victim family denied entry to seminar on rights abuses in IOK

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):As bureaucrats and top government officials assembled at Kashmir International Conference Centre in Srinagar to discuss human rights in connection with the international human rights day, a victim family who was denied entry protested outside the venue.
According to Kashmir Media Service, the event that was organized by Human Rights Commission of the territory was attended by hundreds of guests mostly from the puppet administration including Law Minister, Abdul Haq Khan, Inspector General Police, Munir Ahmad Khan, Director General of Police, SP Vaid and Divisional commissioner Kashmir, Baseer Ahmad Khan.
“I am a victim of human rights violations I should let the participants know about my plight,” with these intentions, Abdul Qayoom Butt, father of Omar Qayoom who was killed during summer agitation of 2010, says he thought so to attend the event.
As Qayoom along with his two daughters, reached the venue, policemen guarding the main gate stopped the family and refused their request to enter the venue. “This is not for you people,” one among several policemen shouted at Qayoom.
“Whose human rights they are talking about inside? I am the victim of HR violations. Rather than delivering sermons within four walls, ask me who is the culprit,” Qayoom shouted back. Later, one among the policemen called someone from inside and asked him if any commoner was allowed to get in. ‘No,’ came the answer from the other side.
After finding no chance of entry, Qayoom holding a banner depicting his son’s photograph, sat outside the gate with his two daughters and held a peaceful protest for no action against the killers of his 17-year old son despite passing of seven years.