National News

Pakistani student develops ‘Sonic Eye’ to help the blind walk

Pakistani student develops ‘Sonic Eye’ to help the blind walk

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):A Pakistani student from Peshawar has developed useful device for the blind people which helps them walk by indicating if there’s any obstacle ahead.
A private news channel reported that Hafsa Jamal made Sonic Eye to help the blind walk. The device includes a white stick which has a navigation device attached. There is a sensor too with buzzer that goes off whenever there is an obstacle in the path.
The young student told that she is also preparing a mobile app for the device. It will also help the blind people to navigate through their phones without even using a stick.
Hafsa has the idea to even place such navigation devices in daily use items like currency notes or cameras that will help identify the kind of obstacle.
The device can be made available throughout the country with government support.