National News

GB temperature falls after heavy snowfall

GB temperature falls after heavy snowfall

GILGIT, (MILLAT ONLINE):After a long dry spell, the upper valleys in Gilgit-Baltistan received heavy snowfall,
bringing the temperature below freezing point.
Reports of heavy snowfall were received from Hunza, Nagar,
Diamer, Astor, Ghizer and Baltistan region. In district Diamer snowfall has
blocked Babuser top and in District Ghezer Shandoor top for all types of
The Nalter velly in district and Ratu Velly in Astore received more than ten inches of snowfall while
down areas of GB received more than 4 inches of snowfall.
Temperature in Baltistan region and Astore valley dropped to -6 degree centigrade and expected that
after more snow during the current week temperature would be further decreased,
the Met office said.
Extreme weather has compelled residents of GB to stay indoors. According to locals, the drop in
temperature makes life harder for them. Even washing, bathing and cooking
become a challenge with water frozen in pipes and limited fuel for heating.
Communications remain suspended, with no letup in snowfall.